NFL Penalty Tracker

Running Into the Kicker


On a kicking play where the defense fails to touch the kicked ball, the defense runs into the kicker/punter. If such an act occurs but is not intentional, this foul is assessed. If intentional, the personal foul of roughing the kicker is assessed instead.


5 yards

2024 Stats

Totals By Referee/Crew

Scroll left and right for additional columns.
 TotalPer Game
Adrian Hill2000000.
Alan Eck2000000.
Alex Kemp2000000.
Bill Vinovich2000000.
Brad Allen2000000.
Brad Rogers2000000.
Carl Cheffers2000000.
Clay Martin1000000.
Clete Blakeman2000000.
Craig Wrolstad2000000.
John Hussey2000000.
Land Clark2000000.
Ron Torbert1000000.
Scott Novak2000000.
Shawn Hochuli2000000.
Shawn Smith2000000.
Tra Blake2001000.000.000.500.000.00